
Lar.jl is a Julia library to perform geometrical computations on cellular complexes expressed through the Linear Algebraic Representation (LAR). This library is developed and maintained by the Computational Visual Design Laboratory (CVDLAB) of Università degli Studi di Roma Tre.


Lar.jl has several Julia dependencies:

Docstrings conventions

Bold is used to point out theory concepts. For example, look at the "1-skeletons" word in the docstring of Lar.skel_merge:

Monospace is used for everything code related. Look this time at "container", "contained" and "Points" in the docstring of Lar.bbox_contains:

bbox_contains(container, contained)

Check if the axis aligned bounding box container contains contained.

Each input box must be passed as the couple of Points standing on the opposite corners of the box.


In Julia REPL the monospace text is the one colored differently. In a terminal you will see something like: Julia REPL monospace exaple